Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cycling in India stage 30 to Lakkahalli

We rode 120 km today, initially through irrigated agricultural land, with lots of rice cultivation at various stages in the growing cycle. For quite a long distance, we rode beside a lake behind one of the irrigation dams, where there were men deploying very fine gill nets from little home-made corricles both close to shore and well out in the lake where a nice breeze was  blowing, probably 15 kph. What a risky business!
We then went through a forest reserve, which should have been a nice ride, but the road was so rough that it was bone jarring. 20 km of terrible pavement. The bike made it with no problems, but I am still trying to protect my right arm from too much shaking, so I had to ride slowly, and in a somewhat twisted position, which was exceptionally tiring.
A mix of smooth and rough roads led us to a very nice resort on the shore of a huge reservoir. I showered and changed quickly to be ready to go on one of the safaris offered  by the resort. I went on the boat safari, because I didn't want to sit in the back of a Jeep jostling over bush roads for two hours.  Unfortunately,  both 'safaris' proved to be as unexceptionable as they were over-priced. We saw a couple of types of deer, an osprey and some other birds, but the 'naturalist' didn't know where to find particularly unique animals.  Dinner was good, so the day ended well. The weather is warm enough that we are now eating all our meals al fresco when we are outside the cities,

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