Saturday, March 17, 2012

Cycling in India final stage to Kanyakumari

The first half of the 80 km ride followed busy secondary roads over hills and through villages. On that part of the ride, I realized I have had enough of the Indian driving with the honking, corner-cutting, and disregard for traffic coming from behind. We had to put up with it to enjoy the trip, and I am glad to have made the trip without having a collision with a vehicle or a pedestrian. 
As usual, there were some nice surprises along the way.  I was delighted to come upon a colourful set of papier mache statues from a religious procession that had been left along the roadside with their heads covered. 
As we approached Kanyakumari, we were on flat land close to the coast, and there was little traffic. We all gathered for a picnic lunch, and rode the last few kilometers in a convoy to the jetty where we could shoot the group picture with the statue in the background.  With our new "Indian Adventure " jerseys on, we  looked like a co-ordinated group!
At dinner, we enjoyed looking at pictures taken throughout the ride. We have seen so much in the past weeks, going from one experience to the next,  that the pictures will be very helpful aide memoirs.
We packed the bikes into boxes, and we have spare time to explore this little town which seems to thrive on a combination of inshore fishing and pilgrimages.

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