Thursday, January 26, 2012

India cycling day 5

Short ride today; 60 km to Pushkar through dry, scrubby land. Mostly grazing goats and lots of pollarded trees, where the branches had been dropped to feed the goats and then make fences.  Some farming activity, and a few villages, but sparse.
Mostly single track back road, with few personal cars; mostly motor bikes, jeep-taxis, tractors pulling wagons, and the occasional bus. Very little traffic.
The highlight of the day came when I was riding alone and slowed down to watch dozens of women in their colourful saris working digging a ditch. They called out for me to take a picture, and as I did so, they all came close. When I showed them the pictures, others wanted their picture taken too.  Good fun was had by all, and the men posed for pictures too.
It is common to see women working so well dressed at construction sites; often moving gravel in bowls balanced on their heads like a human conveyor belt.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful photos Charlie, I like that you get up close to the people you meet,,,M
