Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Arizona day 4

Rode the shoot - out route with Dave, Doug and Tom.  Fast ride past Helmet Hill twice.

Arizona day 5

Ride with Marilyn, Dave, Jamie and Don to Coyote Pause for brunch. Guys rode back over Gates Pass.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Arizona day 3

Rode 20 miles south on Mission road, past the bridge and the mine. Very little traffic on the way out. Light rain on home trip,  but downhill all the way.
Regular Friday ride cancelled because it had been raining,  but Don and Jamie joined us for a ride around town.

Arizona day 2

Dave and I rode up through Gates pass around the loop in the desert and back via old Tucson and Cat Mountain.  Began to rain in the afternoon,  so stayed in town. Home cooked Indian dinner chez Don and Jamie.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mount Lemmon

Beautiful sunny and warm day. Long ride across town,  and then a gradually steeper climb for 20 miles. Climb through desert, then cactus thin out,  then pine forest.  Great views riding along upper ridges with hodoos.